Odborné texty

1 Hospital and wards
2 Human body
3 Musculoskeletal system
4 Circulatory system
5 Digestive system
6 Respiratory system
7 Urinary system
8 Nervous system
9 Reproductive system
10 Integumentary system
11 Vitamins
12 Help your heart
13 What is a hayfever
14 HIV
15 Smoking
16 Exercise
17 Eat variety of food
18 Surgery
19 Are you happy
20 Anxiety, depression
21 Nursing career
22 Admission
23 Nursing process
24 Physical health
25 Florence Nightingale


When you are feeling tired, exercise might be the last thing you think you need. Surprising as it may seem, exercise can help you relax as well as keep you fit. And it´s also an important way of keeping your figure trim.

You might think that it will make too many demands on your time and energy and have to be painful or exhausting to be good for you. But we should all try to make exercise a part of our way of life. It helps to improve fitness and so helps us to feel and look better.

To be beneficial, physical activity needs to increase the heart rate above the normal level. The Health Education Authority recommends that we aim to do about 20-30 minutes of exercise two or three times a week - making our bodies work harder than they are used to. Another way is to build on everyday activities by doing them a bit more energetically, making muscles work a little more than usual.

* When you walk, walk briskly. If you´re pushing a pram, stand up straight.
* It might help to encourage children to take more exercise too, instead of sitting in front of the TV or the computer - and join in!
* At work, use the stairs instead of the lift. Run up if you can.
* Resist taking the car for short journeys or get off the bus one stop earlier and walk.

  • Why is exercise useful?

  • How often should people exercise?

  • How can we try to keep fit every day?

  • Do you do any exercise? How often?

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