Odborné texty

1 Hospital and wards
2 Human body
3 Musculoskeletal system
4 Circulatory system
5 Digestive system
6 Respiratory system
7 Urinary system
8 Nervous system
9 Reproductive system
10 Integumentary system
11 Vitamins
12 Help your heart
13 What is a hayfever
14 HIV
15 Smoking
16 Exercise
17 Eat variety of food
18 Surgery
19 Are you happy
20 Anxiety, depression
21 Nursing career
22 Admission
23 Nursing process
24 Physical health
25 Florence Nightingale


The human´s urinary system consists of two kidneys, two ureters, a urinary bladder and a urethra. Its function is to secrete and excrete the urine, and it is connected with the renal tract.
The kidneys are situated in the posterior abdomen behind the peritoneal cavity at the level of the first lumbar vertebra. They are encapsulated by a fibrous membrane called the capsule. Each kidney consists of an outer layer called the cortex and the inner portion called the medulla, which is made up of many structures called nephrons. Each nephron consists of the glomerulus, Bowman´s capsule and renal tubule. The glomerulus is a network of capillaries within Bowman´s capsule.

The urinary bladder is a muscular sac which lies in the lower pelvis behind the symphysis pubic. Elastic fibres in the wall of the bladder allow expansion for storage of urine (about 500 ml). Urine leaves the bladder through the urethra.

The urethra is a slender tube that conveys urine from the bladder to the exterior. In the female it is about 4 cm long and lies anterior to the vagina. The male urethra is aproximately 20 cm in length and, on leaving the bladder, passes through the prostate gland.

  • What is the urinary system composed of?

  • Name two parts of each kidney

  • What do you know about a nephron?

  • Try to describe the urinary bladder

  • What´s the difference between the urethra in male and female?

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