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Aleny Náhlovské

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TEXTY PROBRANÉ V 2.ROČNÍKU/ podklady k ústnímu zkoušení

  • U5 Healthy lifestyle/ What do people eat? SB pg.40
    otázky a odpovědi:41/5,6
    What do people in the Czech republic eat? What meals? What time? Where?
    What do people in GB eat? What meals? What time? Where?
    How about you?
    Do you know any traditional meals?
    Healthy lifestyle - otázky ke stažení
    Food - slovíčka, fráze ke stažení
    What do people eat - tabulka ke stažení

  • U5 An invitation/ making arrangements SB pg.43
    Would you like to come...?
    Can we meet at../in.../by...?
    Where will we go?
    I´m sorry I can´t, I´m going to...
    What about/ How about..?
    fráze ke stažení
    Meeting/ greeting/ invitation - cj-aj situace fráze ke stažení

  • U6 Brat Camps SB pg.44
    otázky a odpovědi: What are Brat Camps?
    Where are they? Who are they for?
    What are the rules there?
    Tell us about Ted
    What does he have to do in the camp? Can´t do?
    What about his parents? atd.
    Fráze, otázky/ odpovědi

  • U7 Holidays SB pg.56/1
    Where does your family usually go on holiday?
    What was your best holiday? Last holiday?
    Where did you go?
    Where did you stay?
    What did you do there?
    Where are you planning to go next time? atd.
    Otázky / odpovědi ke stažení
    tabulka - A country I like
    Otázky II

  • Writing a postcardSB 59
    Write where you are
    What you like/ don´t like there
    Your plans for the rest of the holiday

  • U8 Sports
    Tell about your favourite/ a famous sportsman
    otázky viz.U2 Icons
    Tabulka ke stažení
    fráze/ průřez gramatickými časy
    Winter Olympics sports

  • U9 Hi-tech SB pg.71
    otázky a odpovědi: How do people communicate?
    What are advantages and disadvantages of cell phones?
    Do you prefer to talk or text? atd.
    What are rules about using cell-phones in your school?
    Do you agree with them? Why?/ Why not?
    Describe a gadget
    otázky ke stažení
  • zpět