Teachers usually spend a lot of time searching for various reading materials for their students.
They do not often realise the Internet provides all sorts of texts and pieces of information they need in one,
usually sorted out according to various topics already!
Yahoo is an American server providing all pieces of electronic information. They are devided into various topics, such as
movies, music, sports, travel, shopping, health, maps, etc.
The teacher only has to decide how advanced his students are and how difficult the language in the texts might be for his classes. | |
Seznam is a sort of Czech version of Yahooo. The system works in the same way as Yahoo, you can search for various
pieces of information through "hledej".
Though it is a Czech server, mosts of the websites in it have already been bilingual! So do not be shy to look for an English expression,
Seznam will find the English sites, if they exist, as well.
All Czech larger towns, their city halls, provide all the pieces of
information concerning their towns on their websites in more than 2 languages.
Teachers can therefore choose texts from the Internet when teaching directions, articles associated with public places or building,
talking about places where the students live or study etc.
for their lessons without any problems.
Wikipedia is an encyclopedia, where teachers can choose any sorts of texts at all!
Wikipedia has more than 3,100,000 articles, including more than 908,000 in the English-language version.
This Literature portal includes an alphabetical list of various known, as well as unknown names (random
e.g. Dante Alighiery, Anne Bronte, Agatha Christie,
Nikolaj Gogol, Goethe etc.), where you can choose an author, a book,
a chapter, or even a page you need for your teaching. It is a sort of library on the Internet. Very useful!
Bibliomania offers you 2000 Classic texts to read. The only thing you have to do is to choose an author according to the literary genre,
such as fiction, drama, poetry, religious texts, short stories,
and many more. Your students can also study the writers´ biographies, sumaries, references, etc.
Barleby´s Cambridge History of English and American Literature is considered to be the most important work of literary history and criticism ever published
It is an encyclopedy which contains over 303 chapters and 11,000 pages, with essay topics ranging from poetry, fiction, drama and essays to history, theology and political writing.
The English as well as the American pieces of literature are
devided into chapters according to the historical periods. In the English list you can find e.g. the Beginnings to the Cycles of Romance,
the End of the Middle Ages, Reformation, Prose and Poetry from Sir Thomas North to Michael Drayton, or the Victorian Age.
These websites include all the literature in the Yahoo. There are links such as Authors, Awards,
Banned Books, Bestseller Lists,
Book Arts,
Chats and Forums,
Comparative Literature,
Creative Writing,
Criticism and Theory,
Cultures and Groups,
Electronic Literature, Events,
History of Books and Printing and many more!!!In alphabetical order.
It is usually hard to get Czech and Slovak Literature in English. It is only shops in larger towns
that sell this sort of literature, usually in a limited amount. These websites offer you a brief history of the Czech Lands, literature up to the Hussite Wars,
Renaissance and Humanism, Baroque literature, Czech literature 1774 to 1918, Czech literature since 1918
and a brief introduction to the Slovak literature.
The Nobel Prize in Literature recognizes literary works including poetry, novels,
short stories, plays, essays and speeches, starting off with the first prize in 1901
to the poet and philosopher Sully Prudhomme, author of Stances et Poemes (1865).
The Prize presents the works of authors from different languages and cultural backgrounds.
You can not only read articles written by Nobel laureates, but also listen to the Nobel literature radio
or play a game.
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