Odborné texty

1 Hospital and wards
2 Human body
3 Musculoskeletal system
4 Circulatory system
5 Digestive system
6 Respiratory system
7 Urinary system
8 Nervous system
9 Reproductive system
10 Integumentary system
11 Vitamins
12 Help your heart
13 What is a hayfever
14 HIV
15 Smoking
16 Exercise
17 Eat variety of food
18 Surgery
19 Are you happy
20 Anxiety, depression
21 Nursing career
22 Admission
23 Nursing process
24 Physical health
25 Florence Nightingale


The integumentary system protects the body against pathogenic organisms and injury to internal surfaces. It consists of the skin, lymph canals and lymph nodes.

The skin is a protective, elastic, waterproof and sensitive organ covering the entire body surface, and has two layers:
  • Epidermis - or the outer skin , which consists of closely packed epithelial cells and is divided into layers of the epithelial tissue. The epidermis contains no blood vessels but it contains melanin. This is a pigment that determines the dark or light colour of the skin and is inherited genetically. Some other factors, such as sunlight, can increase deposits of melanin in the epidermis. This is the body´s method of protecting the skin from damage due to long exposure to sunlight.
  • Dermis - is the second layer which is composed of connective tissue. It contains nerves, capillaries and lymph vessels. Sensory nerve endings provide the sense of touch.

  • The skin has several vital functions such as protecting against micro-organisms and toxic substances, sense of touch, regulation of body temperature and elimination of body waste. As to elimination, the skin influences loss of body fluids through perspiration. The elimination of certain salts helps to maintain the mineral balance in the body.

  • How can you characterize the skin?

  • What is melanin?

  • Why does the skin exposed to sunlight produce more melanin?

  • What do you know about dermis?

  • Try to describe some important functions of the skin

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