Odborné texty

1 Hospital and wards
2 Human body
3 Musculoskeletal system
4 Circulatory system
5 Digestive system
6 Respiratory system
7 Urinary system
8 Nervous system
9 Reproductive system
10 Integumentary system
11 Vitamins
12 Help your heart
13 What is a hayfever
14 HIV
15 Smoking
16 Exercise
17 Eat variety of food
18 Surgery
19 Are you happy
20 Anxiety, depression
21 Nursing career
22 Admission
23 Nursing process
24 Physical health
25 Florence Nightingale


We recognize four stages in the nursing process. These four stages are inter-related and the process is circular.

1. Assessment. To plan nursing career effectively the nurse needs to be able to assess the individual's needs for nursing career. Taking a nursing history is one of the most skilled nursing functions. Information about the patient is gathered by observation and communication. The nursing history is a tool to elicit and record information so that problems can be identified and plans made to deal with them.
2. Planning. A systematic plan of care for an individual patient should have the following elements: a statement of actual and potential problems, the objectives or expected outcomes of nursing care for each problem, prescription of nursing actions to achieve the objectives.
3. Implementation. The stage of implementing the care plan means putting the plan into practice. It involves the use of manual, psychological, communicating and teaching skills of nurses.
4. Evaluation. It is the last stage in the process based on comparing actual patient outcomes with the expected outcomes. This approach should make it easier find out what is successful or what part of a patient's care needs improving.

  • How many stages of the nursing process do we recognize?

  • Describe shortly the third stage of the nursing process

  • Why is the last stage - evaluation - important?

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