Odborné texty

1 Hospital and wards
2 Human body
3 Musculoskeletal system
4 Circulatory system
5 Digestive system
6 Respiratory system
7 Urinary system
8 Nervous system
9 Reproductive system
10 Integumentary system
11 Vitamins
12 Help your heart
13 What is a hayfever
14 HIV
15 Smoking
16 Exercise
17 Eat variety of food
18 Surgery
19 Are you happy
20 Anxiety, depression
21 Nursing career
22 Admission
23 Nursing process
24 Physical health
25 Florence Nightingale


The nervous system is an integrated multipurpose system made up of many parts. It contains the higher human functions such as memory and reasoning, controls and coordinates all parts of the body and provides a complex communication system between the body´s internal and external environments.

The nervous system is composed of two main parts:
  • The central nervous system (CNS), which consists of the brain and spinal cord.

  • The peripheral nervous system, e. g. spinal and cranial nerves.

  • The tissues of the nervous system consist of specialized nerve cells called neurons. A neuron consists of three parts: cell body, dendrite and axon. The cell body contains cytoplasm and a nucleus.

    The human brain is a large organ comprised of billions of neurons. Total brain tissue weight is approximately 1.34 kg. It is concerned with many functions, e. g. thought, memory and consciousness. For descriptive purposes the brain may be subdivided into the cerebrum, basal ganglia, thalami, hypothalamus, midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata and cerebellum. The brain lies in the skull and is protected by bony structures, membranes and fluid.

  • Speak about some functions of the nervous system

  • What are the main parts of the nervous system?

  • What do you know about neurons?

  • Try to describe the human brain

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